What a trip! So I have to admit that I’ve never ridden a public bus before in my life. Only buses I have ever rode on are school buses and charter buses. Due to the stigma that goes along with the public transportation system, and hearing some of the horror stories from my sister (who had to ride them through New Jersey), I was less than thrilled to say the least. However, joining forces with some of the other girls in class (pictures below ☺) things seemed to look up. After cramming in my jeep and making our rounds to all the dorms, we finally snagged a parking spot in front of subway. We then proceeded to the nearby bus stop, snapped a few pictures (or attempted to), and after getting a bit of a tan saw our big, green bus heading our way! Scrambling to get our money and cards ready, we stepped up into our bus on route 2. People were scattered throughout the front and middle so we all claimed the back seats, which was good anyway because people probably thought we were crazy, or tourists. We had the seats we occupied and quite a few around us empty so it worked out well. Though, there was a man in front of me which showed up in some of my pictures, who probably thought I had a crush on him by all the pictures I was aiming his way. Along our way we laughed, dealt with a speeding, heavy footed (on the break) bus driver, and saw some pretty interesting things. The gum that I almost sat on, on the seat next to me, not being one of them!
Even though I had not been looking forward to riding the bus, it turned out to be quite a funny experience that I’m glad I was a part of. I can now say that I’ve ridden the bus and didn’t get robbed (which I would feel sorry for anyone if they would had tried!) and enjoyed myself along the way. However, I still will not be making a habit of riding the bus, I love driving my jeep too much!
Choosing to read the article second, it was interesting to think how things have changed. Where as in the past buses were segregated and certain groups of people sat in certain places, now people are all mixed up, just sitting where ever they desire. Also, the back of the bus had a reputation of being the worst choice and the most undesirable part of the bus. Opposite to what the back was viewed as in the past, it is now either the “cooler” spot for kids on school buses, or a refuge for a bunch of loud girls that want to sit together without interfering with other people. Although for some it may still be undesirable because they may want to get off early or feel better being closer to the driver. On the other hand, there are still large amounts of people who prefer the back, even if they had the option to sit in the front.
Apart from my actual experience and the correlation to the article, there was yet one more key moment for me. I believe it to be the funniest of all! The next morning as I was watching the local news with my mom, they started to talk about the GTA and the new installation of security cameras all throughout the buses. An image of the bus station appears on screen and in excitement I tell my mom “I was there yesterday!” As my mom somewhat acknowledges me in between sips of her coffee, the next image was a man talking. Then I realized “OMG that was our bus driver!!” Due to the fact they were talking about security cameras, I couldn’t help but laugh to think if they would show a video of us and our bus ride. It was a nice ending to a funny experience.