Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Post!

Exploring the world of sketchblogs is very new to me! I didnt know that there even was such a thing to be honest. After searching for a little while I couldnt find anyone with a very vibrant layout like in hot pink or something. For me personally I like for things to be very flashy, so a hot pink polka-dotted background would have caught my eye and made their artwork stickout to me, not hide it. However, with my failure 2 find the gaudiest sketchblpg ever, I did find a sleek and simple one with amazing artwork.I have to admit, at first I thought some of the pieces were photographs and then realized they were not! This particular sketchblog is by Joan Yoshicka and her site is . I really loved how realistic all of the pieces were. Just the perfection and accuracy really pulled me in to keep looking at it! Of all I looked at this one was my favorite!(Even with the lack of a hot pink background,which I guess I will have 2 just put one on mine!)